Wednesday, February 2, 2011

THE POLITICS: Most Successive Business of India

My Blinkered Beauty,

We always hear “today’s Politics is worse”. You know politics is always nastiest from its origin. People who ruled populace like us are stronger than common man in Power, Finance etc. Even from the period of Chandra Guptha Mourya and Koutilya (Chanakya) to today’s Municipality councilor politics is the pits. It’s to make common man fool for everything, Populism, and like fling a piece of bread to a dog.
From the moment Mohammed Ghazni, Ghori, Moghals till Bahadur Shah Zafar II, Portuguese, French, and British; India was completely looted by the Businessmen/ Politicians who ruled us. Our wealth and resources got cumulated in their country. We got a light Independence in the year 1947. Our silver line of development started vanishing from post Independence days. Our great Netas conquered the place of the rulers who deprived us and they started doing the same again. Our money and resources was dumped in their Swiss Bank Accounts. Just sense our politicians robbed this country for complete 60 years which publish an annual budget of Rs. 11, 08,749 crores with Non Tax Revenue Receipts are estimates at Rs.1, 48,118 crores.

It’s truly difficult to search honest politicians today. As country is growing (Still developing) politics is developing too.Politics is the best and most successive business of India. We used to give Example like Lal Bahadur Shastri who lived long ago as the best and last candid politician I think. Most of everyone who sit in the chair in this country and people around them have their names in some or other swindle. Politicians grow by investing money on people and straighten out on chairs to grab the common man’s money in lump-sum to their pocket at maximum percentage of returns. Most of States like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand; Karnataka etc have become political asset of some families. A state is ruled by father nearly for 40 years and then it comes to his son who is sitting still as youth president of that party since 30+ Years. Its fortune of politics in India;

Successive political families have drowned the country to the ditch. Being a republic country India is still suffering from slavery from these politicians. Even names like Rajiv Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, George Fernandez, Pramod Mahajan came out with some sting. Most of scams will not come to light just because of our corrupted system. Political Parties will fear to expose the frauds done by other party because they know that party can also descript the hoax done by them. Some scams like 2g Spectrum is very wide one and it came to limelight and vanishes too as public memory is too low. There are lakhs of political scams which we forgot like this in our History. So as concern most profitable business of India is Politics.

If we want to punish the fraud who made money in trading, share market, tiny transactions etc then what should we do for our great “Netas” who made money for his successors and his successors too. Country is not anyone’s asset to be ruled by its successors who cope. Even British ruled India was not ruled by successive system but Viceroys. (Queen in England)Some people who came with democratic voice, scolding the ruling party of a family also did the same when they got power. It really thorny to change the situations in this country;

We have to think will it be able for citizens like us to compete with this people and to win in elections? No, that topic is over long ago. Money and Bureaucracy rules this system and we are here to tenet by them. The situation today is too shoddier than ever. Just check the countries headed by Capitalism or Socialism; they are doing well comparatively. Being a democratic country with great Human, technical, analytical, scientific resources we are still developing and we should still be proud of our self as we are living in great India which is the land of peace as Blind, Deaf and Dumb too now..!!
                                                                              HATS OFF


  1. ABIGAIL From Zugdidi, GeorgiaFebruary 2, 2011 at 1:23 PM

    პოლიტიკა არის იგივე ხდება ყველა ქვეყანაში. კი, საქართველოს წინაშე დგას იგივე პრობლემა, რომელიც თქვენ ახსენეთ მე. თქვენ guts დაწერა მოსწონს ეს. მე არასოდეს არ ეგონა ინდიელთა წინაშე ვდგავართ ამ პრობლემებს. მეგონა ინდოეთის ღარიბი ქვეყანა, რომელიც არ ბევრად. მაგრამ წაკითხვის შემდეგ საკუთარი დღიურის მე პატივს ინდოეთი. მადლობა მაძლევს იმედს სურათი.

  2. translation of wat abigail said-Politics is the same in every country. Yes, Georgia is facing the same problems that you mentioned me. You have guts to write like this. I never thought of Indians are facing these problems. I thought India a poor country, which is not much. But after reading your blog I would respect India. I gives me hope for Hollywood.

  3. @suri-yes..its correct..i agree with what u have said..i think india were better under english rule.atleast indians were not looting us..

  4. Fcuk that Slumdog movie it created and presented our country bad.

  5. Good you are writing about India these days. India should not loose the talents like you. Enter Politics try to clear this corrupted system. prepare a good team which work for country. I see spark in your writing. Write something big which revokes this system. You youths should come up now. change this country hoe it should be perfect.

  6. India is a great Country and its effected by politics thats true. You r doing a great job. everyone become selfish for their own not for country. kings who ruled us before r better than this cunning politicians

  7. میں نے بھارت کی طرف سے ہوں دبئی میں اب رہ. ہم نے اس بھارتی سیاست زیادہ نفرت ہے. بہتر اپنے بیٹے اور سیاستدانوں کی بیٹی سے زیادہ عام شہریوں کو بجلی دینے کے لئے. آگے جانے کی اور لکھنے کے بھارت سے کم سے کم کے بارے میں آپ کو بھارت کے کروڑ روپے کے لئے اچھی امید پیدا کر دے گا
    محمد شیخ

  8. Its really a fine article read by me these days. As an Indian we should woke up and stand straight to fight against this corruption and politics. Keep writing like this.

  9. Mind Blowing! you have written some political stuff without mentioning any names directly. Y can't we cure this problem? we can but it really difficult to make 110 crore population together

  10. It is we who have to stop this. If we, the voters vote the politician without taking money, the politians will make our work with out asking bribe. For this reason only, Vivekananda said "Correct ourself to correct the country"

  11. Its the best blog I always get surprises from my every visit. You writes all sorts of topic thats really difficult to express. I am a great fan of A Love Blog. you are really smart and your writing as well. I love You Surendra
