Saturday, January 15, 2011

It’s by, for, to the Money: Today

My partisan lass,  

If you think you know the mentioned matter; its fate of our Country which gave birth to the great fighters who sacrificed their life to the freedom of this country and their ambitions, Dreams buried under this holy motherland today.

Yes, “we hate our system”. We most of them tell this all the time. Being citizens of a country we hate our system where Democracy rules the country by telling for the people, By the People and to the people. You know it’s only happening in the rusted books which are kept safe in the shelves of Government offices and in civics part of primary school syllabus. We have forgotten the words like Fundamental Rights and Duties, economic equality, social justice, and economic welfare... so on. Sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic is found in Constitution, Law books and in Dictionary too. Today everything runs from money. Legislation was sold long last ago and truth never goes till Judiciary. And we say in once “We hate system”.

Government officials are the servants of this system and we are the system. We are providing them food, shelter, money for their lives by the form of taxes along with the bribe we pay them. A drop of petrol for a car of this Country’s Prime Minister goes from our own pocket. We have provided employment for 58.76 lakhs people as Government employees and they are working for we people as we assume till now. Only the Power sustains here i.e. powerful people and the power is Money. We should ask our rights to the work done not with the bribery. We have Fundamental Rights to equality, freedom, freedom from exploitation, freedom of religion, Cultural and educational rights, constitutional remedies, Information and more than anything we have right to Live. Don’t bend your heads in front of corruption but it’s your duty to raise a voice against it.

Today’s Country is only for rich and powerful people. People who are supported by political party will be stronger than any other. Power and money is ruling the country not the common man who lists his vote in the ballet box. And who cares for his single vote too as others sold their vote to Money and Religion. If you are a decent man who works in some company and pays your tax properly, you are not yet done. You have some duties to follow. You have right to speak not only the political leaders who shouts in assembly and in front of media.

There are lakhs of cases like Jessica Lal and it’s obscured in files. How can a common man who doesn’t even have money for Auto rickshaw goes to Police station to file a case against Rape and murder of her daughter? It will be just flash news in media for two days and ‘no more about that please’ because they work for TRP i.e. money. Once the culprit comes out by bail and if he is ‘powerful’ there is no jail in India to lock him behind the bars. One has to bribe the whole system from Police Constable to the reader in the court. Public prosecution has not yet changed its name to prostitution still. A normal case cost not less than 10- 50 lakhs and justice as lottery ticket to throw after many years.  It’s our fatal judicial system today.

We should personally confess that we youth remember that we are citizens of India and follows the Fundamental Rights and Duties. It’s enough; its time and we have wasted more than half a century in waiting for a perfection knowing it’s not viable. We should clean from the root. Or else it will not be a country to live for a lower, middle class people who stay in home just after their work commenting on Politics and news in newspapers and television. Don’t it hurt you or ashamed when it comes to patriotism? We salute our national flag up in the air; View towards the sky to show sky is the limit if it comes to motherland. It’s not about the money and bribe we pay but we are heading down our patriotism today. It’s not to sit and watch the revolution in movie like Rang de Basanti or other some and to praise them. We should raise our voice for ourselves; Patriotism Should be in our eyes but not in the tears of every normal citizens. It should not be the system to hate but it should be the system where AAM JANTHA lives freely. It does by, for, to the Money today as we all know. Revolution is necessary as of now. Country is heading the same which happened under British rule. It’s not necessary to wait till the interference of media all the time. Media is just a way to show the world how it is. Youth come out from your week end parties, Pubs, Hi-fi Restaurants and think for country we stay. Yes, it’s Show Time..!!
                                                                     -Surendra Nadig


  1. wow man..u hit d bull's eye..its damn wonderful..and its d best..
    yes,i feel ashamed to sit in some corner and criticize d system..there are many like me.we either dont know to start or we dont know anybody who had already started..hats off to d post..

  2. oh god u came back fro THATS IT. This post is your best till date. its more than any movie wich gives entertainment and message. What the Heven Sake. Blood Wipe writing. I never expeted this sharpness from you. Its smells same if anyone writes about curroption and patriotism. But this IS AN EXCEPTIONAL ONE. HATS OFF.

  3. Surendra I got tears while reading last paragraph. Its fire in writing. You have proved you r different in presenting this sort of issues. Make sure you send the same to any Newspapers or magzines. Please Spread and promote this

  4. I have a strange feeling the country was much better to live under Bristish rule.

  5. most best matter we read in this blog is this one. it says a lot about Indian system today.

  6. It is most effective information motives a normal lazy Indian to an active one. I never expected you can write like this. You have a pity aswome knowledge and talent too

  7. अपनी अवधारणा वास्तव में अच्छा है. यह उस में कुछ अनकही की शक्ति है. आप देशभक्ति, नौकरशाही और रिश्वत के साथ बात सुनाई है. कोई देशभक्ति और रिश्वत, भ्रष्टाचार एक साथ शामिल हो गए. मैं अपने अब से सभ्य पाठक की जाएगी. मैं अभिव्यक्ति की अपनी तरह से प्यार करता था.
    - इंदु चोपड़ा

  8. Superb Lines:
    One has to bribe the whole system from Police Constable to the reader in the court. Public prosecution has not yet changed its name to prostitution still. A normal case cost not less than 10- 50 lakhs and justice as lottery ticket to throw after many years.
    Keep giving these sort of posts. I am tensed about your prediction about corrupted Future India

  9. @ Anonymous (Superb lines)
    why you have to think about corruption in future India? Its not predicted India we are already in that situation and we are living with it. Go and make your work done in any Government Office without a Bribe.. You can't.. It's an Open Challenge From My Side.. Can anyone..? Yes.. those who are in Power and influenced can. Thats all

  10. @suri-yes..we can..i have done it thrice..didnt pay a bribe of a single rupee..yes..i was made to go again and again many a times.but still,i didnt pay them anything.everything is possible bhai..we just have to do it..

  11. Send ur MLA son to the same job and to the same office. See how Officers behave.. Will It be the same with you? Will they let M L A Son to come office again and again? no not at all. Work will be done at their Foot step. That's what we need Equality in Common People. And I think you went Office for some small work. Go again with some project in hand. You will get to know how People sold themselves for other People Money

  12. i told if a aam admi try,corruption can be eradicated..tats a basic step..
    u cant expect it to be alright as soon as we think takes yrs to change d system..not just months..but aam admi is the one who should change it..

  13. If you Want to send me comment Personally Here is my mobile No +919036959909 And Email


  15. There is some untold truth here. lot more to learn from you. Please keep writing like tkis. and I want one more HITLER frm you. write International topics it suits you more than anything and you have audiences like us to to read what all you write

    Stallion Burge (Connecticut U.S.A)

  16. surendra its really amazing work... dear i feel like saying hats off..maga u have a fire in your writing go head..(about U r writing).Dude u r every word is correct as a meaning.. still every one thinks first about him, his family,...etc so is their an ultimate solution for this all..?

  17. @ Prashanth:
    We cannot in one word Prashanth. But the thing is we can't change anything as of a sudden. We should Start at least now. that too we people. We can change If we stand properly, Trusted and with the hope.

  18. Its hanya sama di setiap negara.Ini mungkin India atau Indonesia kita sedang menghadapi masalah yang sama. Korupsi ini sangat buruk bagi negara yang berkembang. silahkan tulis seseorang internasional di depan. Saya pengikut Anda dari artikel Hitler Anda. Saya pikir Anda adalah seorang patriot besar dan menghormati negara Anda. Terima kasih untuk givin semacam ini posting. Semua yang terbaik.

    Singkawang, Kalimantan, Indonesia

  19. ci sono molte cose qui proprio la condizione peggiore in cui la politica entra e governare il Paese come proprio. il tuo blog è molto diversa dalle altre. che ci fai a leggere la tua ancora e ancora. Tu sei il fuoco e affascinante troppo carino

    Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Italy

  20. Ich bin Arier durch Geburt und ich liebe Fuher. Als ich diesen Blog sah während der Suche in Google über Hitler mochte ich Ihre Arbeit. Nun veröffentlichten Artikel, wie ich über viele Dinge nicht kannte. Es ist dies durch, für, um das Geld: Heute ist wunderbar. die Ermutigung, die Sie gegeben ist groß. Revolution ist überall & jederzeit benötigt werden. Bitte nicht die Schuld Hitlers überall. Sie sind auch Arier. kämpfte er um unserer selbst willen. Ihre Subash Bose hatte auch mit Plan Deutschland. Die Menschheit war nicht nur für Amerika, es ist nicht ihre Asset zu bedienen. Sie schreiben über Hitler wieder. Ich liebe es zu lesen.
