Thursday, March 31, 2011


My Viable Angel,

As we all know everything is business today. Food culture clothing all the needs & necessities keep on increasing day to day just because of this Commercialization. I am not telling anything new here & it’s not the topic to give suggestion. It’s just a discussion I want to make how we have commercialized by the influence of business entities.
It was some day people is to join together in the name of Marriage, participating actively in the celebration, work so on. It’s not only the intention of marriage to praise the new couple but it is to be a nice meeting for friends & relatives who join their hands to make ceremony successful. It was a great fun to see each one of them sharing the happiest moments & it is to be like get together for everyone. What’s marriage today? It has become nothing but a weekend plan for everyone. The Marriage got commercialized by giving the contract to some unknown wedding planners & they will decide how you should be in Marriage. People are really bored of reservoir meets what we call class today. We are missing the great fun, enjoyment, relationship, friendliness which we were getting before.
Let’s come to Politics what we had before. Our country has seen politicians collected money from people for the deposit & they is to win the elections too. That’s the real democracy which we had before. They worked for the people, country & they succeeded in building this great nation for us. What’s happening today?  It’s the best business to make illegal assets and money. To be frank our today’s Politicians are the greatest liabilities of this country.  They are wasting our money their selfishness and desires. There is nothing like trust and honesty as they jump from one party to another for the sake of money & power. The power is not utilized to help the development of the country but to establish themselves as heroes to loot the country with populism. Thus politics is completely commercialized with liberalization, Privatization & globalization.
Sports are also the best example for Commercialization. Sports is for unity, Teamwork, It creates reputation in the global map. It’s for hunger & humbleness to win & victory. Players are to be like soldiers who are fighting war for the country.  Check out the situation today. The Commercialization has spoiled the intention of sports. It’s completely depending on TRP of the game & People who watch. Advertising, Franchising & so has captured the top list of sports. Cricket has become India’s greatest business of the new trends. It earns money for players, team owners, cricket boards, Media, Mediators, Franchises, bookies & gamblers too. It became a weapon to for tax saving for many large companies as they show expenses & losses for ads, franchising& others. It has created Bulk black money in many treasury boxes as we know. Some great people fooled the whole nation by fixing matches. 
We had a great culture of Education like gurukuls & mutts from the origin. Education is complete business for today. It’s not a matter of knowledge at all. You pay money, join the college, get the degree that’s it for now. Selling the certificates is common as we know. We can’t question anyone for this commercialization of education which is leading the country to the hell of course.
Religion is so sensitive to the country like India. We have great personalities to mention each and every Religion & Caste in this country. They have made a best set of rules with good intension to people live happily. But do you know how our Mutts, Ashrams, Church & Madrasa’s are earnings today? It’s incredible to believe. People are selling Gods, Baghavadgeeta, religion, Culture, thoughts, philosophy for the money as their own to build their own empire. Yes, it’s our fate that religion & gods are converted as business & most of the Gurus & caste leaders are almost in Politics.
“The Commercialization” is not the new system we have adopted. It’s ancient way to generate money. It’s the intention of every Business to fool the common man to earn money. There is no other go for them because we all live in this Commercialized World. Just open your eyes & observe around you once. You will blame yourself for being deceived to this Commercialization. In the Name of Village Hotels, Indian foods, Sweet shops, Clothing, Brands, Vegetables, Perfumes, Gods, Temples, Epics, Holy Books, Religion, Knowledge, Art, Architecture, Vedas, Astrology, Culture, Cricket, 20-20’s, games, Music, Conversions, Resorts, booze and even love & peace are marketed by this Commercialism. Yes they are making money by our sentiments with huge success. We are completely addicted to show of life what we are living now. I really surprised how this Commercialism targeted upper & middle class for their success. It’s not only the situation in India; the whole world is affected by this Commercialization & Business in people Sentiments & Culture. We should know what to take from this society & we should think upon it by dumping these Commercialized things.  It’s much for Now. Let’s live our life with a proud. 
                                                             - Wit Lov Surendra


  1. Its a serious concept & you have presented so simple with out even entering the concept. How can we find out the real needs when everything is commercialised?

  2. C'est bien une. L'Amérique est un pays qui est peuplé essentiellement par nos Européens. L'Amérique est tha Père de cette commercialisation. ils ont pris toutes les cultures du monde et changé la façon dont ils veulent et nous a forcés à suivre le même. Chose merveilleuse mentionnés ici. Merci beaucoup pour donner des connaissances.

  3. Word business is explained very well here.How com you Took everything in the same post. it was better you write again Briefly. We like to read more from you

  4. Did you wanted to tease Cricket and the Following? You have Guts to Scold Cricket during World Cup. But its reality to say we are fools to follow all this bloody things. Thanks for enlightenment

  5. i disagree with you expect a board of cricket to get money without franchising and marketing?something needs to be done and they market it.20-20 is played to let the game survive.people stopped seeing tests and they introduced 20-20s.people forced to commercialise.and other than pakistan scandal no reports and proofs of match fixing.its what fans and disables spread when they dont get anything offense guy.
    other than cricket,other topics are well covered.i agree with all other notes.i think some depth review was necessary.

  6. @suri-good maga..u have written well..what u said abt marriage and edu is perfect.its completely business now a days..u have given a summary.its for others to realise.cheers!!

  7. @ Anonymous:
    Thanks a lot for your Comment.Match Fixing is Quite Ancient Virus for Cricket. Its not about IPL Fixing or Present Booking. Even Ajay Jedeja, Nayan Mongiya ,Azar & lot of people got suspension from Cricket because of Fixing And Many Fixing Cases are proved in the History Of Cricket and in India Too

  8. @author-felt good about your reply.when was jadeja and azhar suspended from the game?a long time ago and one or other scandals have hit every it fixing or drugs or fights between sport or a human or a nation is free of scandals.seeing the scandal part you cant decide fate of any sport or a nation.every good side has a bad side dont want me to give names of players who will never involve in fixing i any single sport or a nation which is free from a single scandal.i stop my debate for good.i will be happy to know any single part which is free.

  9. @ Ano
    Air sports like
    Gliding aerobatics
    Air racing
    Cluster ballooning
    Hopper ballooning
    Wingsuit flying
    Hang gliding
    Human powered aircraft
    Model aircraft
    Banzai skydiving
    BASE jumping
    Wingsuit flying
    Never Faced Any Problems till today from the past. these games are best Examples for Out of Scandal. Please write your name when you comment like this

  10. @ Anonymous:
    I have not mentioned any aggressiveness in the whole post. I have left 2 paras like Hockey & Food and about cricket too. I never pointed anything even though I wanted to do. You would have got answer for this If I would have posted that too. Cricket Boards will not get whole money from Franchising Or from Mkting. Its not necessary to market Cricket in Country like India. Cricket is Unofficial National Game today. I just took Cricket as example as it is familiar to every one. Yes as you mentioned everything is commercialized today. It may be any Sport, game each and everything we do, see, use is commercialized. Thats what I have mentioned in this post giving few Examples.

  11. @verma-wonderful.u have a wonderful knowledge about sky stuff.i am amazed.coming to the sports and games you mentioned,a aerobatic team was banned from sports event in france and usa for some scandal.many have occured in tat department.Many human powered aircrafts were taken back by manufacturers after allegedly slated about inefficiant engines being inducted.
    Base jumping was stopped in a country as it was was used as a escape vehicle for criminals.the industry which supported jumping was alleged for having supported the criminals.parachuting was a boon at that time.but later on it was a took years together to convert it to a boon as it was before.
    the list goes on.have you ever heard of blasts in all the above you mentioned.whenever it happened,a scandal surfaced up in the past.scandals are everywhere.we dont get to read them.

  12. @O.P-i agree with your points mate.thats not a problem.but boards are also forced to commercialise some times.why was 20-20 commercialised so much?people in India stopped seeing tests.And where is cricket a national game?it is in some parts.but not in overtook the cricket in many some parts,cricket was never a dominating will see the real national game after the era of is just a national game during know football wc viewers is the highest in india?matches are played at late night.yet india has maximum viewers.this is not a comparision between 2 sports.just a point to note down.
    coming to boards of cricket,you well know 20-20 is not a new game.its being played from decades in west indies,africanas and england.never got commercialised.there was a need to commercialise the game and it just happened in last 7 years.
    as you said,hockey and food are commercialised a long long ago.its too late to stop it now.alas,people are thrilled to enjoy those.i know you are not aggressive.neither am i.

  13. really a great post Which is best sensible one

  14. there is lot more to understand in this topic hats off..

  15. Every Country is suffering 4m dis Comm. Even Bible is sold in road sides, may be Quran too I think. As u sed religion is business every religious business men is nothing less then hitler in your words. please write hitler and his childhood war and anything. i never thought Nazi is a party i was in Illuminati that its a caste like jew

  16. شیک شریف آزادApril 1, 2011 at 5:30 AM

    اچھا کام کیا براوو، الفاظ جو دنیا کی حقیقت ظاہر کی اپنی ایک اچھی معجزہ. کاروباری دنیا میں کچھ روشنی ڈالنے کی سمجھ میں برف ہے. آپ کو اس وقت سب کی طرح لکھنے کے لئے ہے اور ہم یہاں ہیں پڑھنا

    شیک شریف آزاد

  17. One of the Best Lines:
    You will blame yourself for being deceived to this Commercialization. In the Name of Village Hotels, Indian foods, Sweet shops, Clothing, Brands, Vegetables, Perfumes, Gods, Temples, Epics, Holy Books, Religion, Knowledge, Art, Architecture, Vedas, Astrology, Culture, Cricket, 20-20’s, games, Music, Conversions, Resorts, booze and even love & peace are marketed by this Commercialism. Yes they are making money by our sentiments with huge success.

  18. @ Ano
    Ha Ha I am really grateful to your comment. I never thought reply for mine. You have done a great research to write a comment i think. its me now to take a stage. I am pleased wit ur patience to check and to browse answer for my comment. There are lots of unpopular sports which is out of Scandals as because business has not entered in that. games are played for fun, enjoyment and unity as author has presented in blog. Great work by you. If you are free Can you find the scandals and scams of below Sports Too?
    Sea kayaking
    Squirt Boating
    Surf Kayaking
    Whitewater kayaking

    White water rafting

    Alpine skiing
    Cross country skiing
    Freestyle skiing
    Nordic combined
    Nordic skiing
    Ski jumping
    Ski touring
    Speed skiing
    Telemark skiing
    Bungee jumping
    Competitive eating
    Egg and spoon race
    Footbag (hacky sack)
    Haggis hurling
    Kang Shanaba
    Three-legged race
    Sack race
    Kite buggy
    Kite fighting
    Kite landboarding
    Snow kiting
    Sport kite (Stunt kite)
    Egyptian stick fencing
    Haidong Gumdo
    Jogo do Pau
    kung fu
    Modern Arnis
    Okinawan kobudō
    wushu (sport)

    I really Bow you if you search Scams for All these Games. But At least 10 of this games are scam less.

  19. @HV- i agree dude..u have posted some real stuff out here..but answer me one thing before i reply..what r scams and scandals acc to u?its called match fixing in cricket,corruption in politics,irregularities in finance,scandals in do u want to link it here?i am myself a mechanical engineer..most of d games u mentioned dont have scandals..but most of them i know abt automobile,engine failures and blasts have hampered d industry and sports related to it badly..we dont consider it as scandals.but as failures..

  20. @anonymous-i personally watch football than cricket.i have a club which i follow more than i follow cricket..but i dont see any change in d viewer system wen it comes to remains constant..i agree tests were neglected and then t20 came in.but was there a need to commercialize? wasnt necessary..this is india and it never changes.after sachin retires,his ability and popularity will bring in people to stadiums until next star is created.yes..viewers r more for football during wc,but its double d amount during cricket wc..

  21. you are hitting Iscon and some other religious group from this. y have u mentioned more about Hinduism to blame? We should change as the world changes. whats wrong in marketing gods or Holy books now? they are also products and they can be sold where ever the market is

  22. I think There is nothing in this post to discuss like this.. Its just a normal tidy topic.Wait for a while. I have taken unknown topic for my next. I really need encouragement for that exclusive report more then anything now Be with me for that topic.

  23. @verma-thanks mate.i appreciate your reply too.and as i had asked for,i asked you for sports to be mentioned.and not the games which are played at a regional level.if you are fond of such games,i give you lagori/gilli danda,video games,tic tac,chinese checkers,melee etc.these are not commercialised.when you look at sports,cricket is not the first got commercialised 2 decades ago,baseball the same and football 3 decades is commercialised to save the game.its not the business group which is is the people who are not interested in non-commercialised materials.i argree with mr.urs.but not regarding holy books.but with sports point of view.

  24. @manoj-i am not a football freak but my lil brother i have heard from him this is what happened,take it as comparision and growing popularity with commercialisation.when the icc wc started all sports channels were telecasting pressure grew from all parts of asia,a channel now dont telecast cricket is dedicated to football during the wc matches.what is the need for a prestigious channel to leave out cricket in india and telecast football?growing popularity and increased attraction due to commercialisation.when there is a need,you have to do it.the next sport in india going to be commercialised is tennis,hockey and for it.i dint said football is a national sport.i am speaking about the shift in power.many states in india dont follow cricket at that rate we will be the national sport forever but viewers are comprehensively shifting towards other games when no t20 games are played.wc can draw huge crowds but not tests.hence the commercialisation.

  25. @O.P-i have followed all your posts.something in this post dint suit my view.i shared it.that is why a comment is have a similar support from me for your next post.good luck.
    @verma-why do we have anonymous status in all sites?so that who dont want to be published can use this process. and using a name will be completely left to the publisher.i follow a set of rules of not publishing my name.i can use any faltoo name instead of anonymous.does it make you or anybody happy?i will use it for good from next comment.thanks and eagerly waiting for the reply.

  26. What the hell is the post. Nothing is there to comment. Please post the articles at least to comment.

  27. y don't u try a brief story about business of cricket?

  28. chennag bardidiya surendra. yar yene helali nijukku ondu adbuthavada feelings banthu. nijjakku nin bardirodu nija adunna arthamadkolakke bandilla ansutte janakke. naaye bogulta irtave care madbeda. hege baritairu. yenu illa anta helidavaru moorkaru aste saaku ide jaasti aythu

  29. thumba topic tagondu bardidiya. ondunne bardidre innu chennagiradu

  30. Dr. Indira KrishnamurthyApril 14, 2011 at 3:44 AM

    Sir, good you have observed the tiny facts of today. i got confused why there is irrelevant comments which is completely out of topic for what you have written. Cricket points are exact facts. Politics and religion are liabilities for developing India

  31. what u wrote is point to point true. whole blog is full of good info. i missed it all these days. u r doing best job showing human values in this business world

