Friday, March 26, 2010

“Desires” Never Ends... But

My desired Angel,
We the human beings always live with our own dreams and imaginations. We run out from realities of life and it’s a must because we cannot accept and adopt those things in daily life. It’s just like a movie without camera and director to lead. We are the real actors and also the directors for our own life. We are living just because of our wants and needs. Gowtham Buddha preached the whole world to leave the words “Likes, Needs and Wants”. His main teaching was to ‘SACRIFISE DESIRES’ because desires creates sorrows. If a man is still on this earth is just because of his desires. A desire of his family, friends and relationships makes him to live. That’s a daily life cycle of every one. I even proclaim that Buddha had a Desire that he wanted to root out the word ‘Desire’ from the hearts of human beings so he lived his life. So I can conclude that every man has his own desires and he lives to fulfil his desires.

Desires are changing in nature and they can be fulfilled by substitutes. A girl desired to marry Brad Pitt, Hrithik will end up marrying a software engineer from her hometown because she realised that’s not possible so she went for substitutes. There are no fixed conditions that we can’t change in this world. For everything there is change and substitutes are substituted by other new substitutes. It’s really hard to accept the things so easily but there is no option. Today’s scenario is becoming worse than ever that people are opting others and they are dumping them just like a product which we use and throw. Everything is business, money and fashion for this modern world people that married couples decide not to have a baby so that wife will not to lose glamour and they walk to orphanages to get a baby. What a shit they are doing..? Even animals are better than these people that they bother for reproduction. The only good thing here is that the population of the country may be minimized for some extent.

We love our parents, family and friends and so on and we should have priority for them more than money. A beggar can have a lottery and he can be a millionaire tomorrow. Make money to live but don’t live to make money. Even a dog lives in the same world where we are living. It’s named for trust and honesty but not the man. Why it’s so....? Why always we think man should be cunning..? There is no perfect answer for this question. If I ask somebody I know they will show me Dhirulal, Gates, Welch and other biggies. You ask these people ‘Are they happy..?’ No they still Desire for more and they continue with mergers and acquisitions. Desires are ever lasting and they end up with nothing. Man in eighty desires to be in active politics and he will be in a race for prime minister of a country. There should be two people beside him when he even wants to sit on chair and He wants his next generation to succeed him for that place.

“How beautiful it would be in the world without desires, cunningness, thirst, hunger and other cordial cavities..? No one will die by hunger, Trust worthy people, everyone loving each other...” Sorry I was in my own dreams and Imaginations. Jesus said ‘love everyone as of I love you but we can’t make that ‘I love you because I am loved by everyone’. Make a life happy by small things around you. Even Dhirulal left everything when he died just as like everyone in this world. Make every moment special with everyone around you and live like a human being
as “Desires never ends ....


  1. Photos were unrelated but you look nice. Dear every thing is desires from the point of you. I obey that and theme is too serious and I took more time to understand your views. First its like some economics theory chapter.I always think How will you choose and write topics like this which I can't even thought of.. Really Really nice one.. and for everyone

  2. New Gen Buddha.. Hats off.. you have derived Buddha's desire just like a formula... new things.. I thought post is too lengthy because the matter is serious and difficult to understand. make it short If you write these sort of topics so that everyone should understand..

  3. vie de est quelque chose que nous vivons et nous vivons pour satisfaire nos désirs thats la vie de pour nous. le manque d'amour est aussi très bien dans ce que vous avez Witten. l'i na pas eu les mots correctement en français. mais il a compris votre opinion.
