Friday, December 18, 2009

Sex is just one charecteristic of Human Being..

What is sex..? It may seem like a silly & toughest question to ask, but after corresponding with people we can come to believe that many of our thoughts about sex are actually problems of definition. As such every search for information or answers to sex can benefit from taking a moment to make sure we know what we’re talking about when we talk about sex.
The answer you get to the question “what is sex” depends largely on who you ask. A doctor might tell you that sex is defined by hormones in your body, a therapist might say that sex is all in your head, a guru may tell you that sex is about getting closer to God. Given such broad definitions, it can be helpful to narrow your focus and figure out what aspect of sex you want to..Throughout the philosophy, questions of sex and sexuality have been relegated to ethics.There have been deviations from this pattern out of which emerge a tradition of speaking of sexual issues in their own right.
Anna Freud famously wrote that “sex is something you do, sexuality is something you are.” She wrote everything and anything about sex which she saw in her life time... but at last she came to conclusion that " Sex is just something.. which i believed & lost my life in that".

Sex and religion may appear to be unlikely bedfellows, but most major religions have a lot to say about sexuality. And besides, saying that sex can be defined in spiritual terms doesn’t have to include organized religion. For some, sex is spiritual because they do feel like it brings them closer to a “higher power.” For others it is their personal religious beliefs that guide their sexual behaviors. Regardless of how it impacts you, your religious or spiritual beliefs and convictions make up part of your personal definition of sex, and exploring them is another way of exploring sex.

Yes!! Including all this thoughts which never give a perfect picture, i think "Sex is just one characteristic of human being". Its one of the thinking which comes to mind just like our wants. It’s often said that the greatest sex organ is the mind. Even Its possible to overcome intentions of sex by diverting mind to other things. So we can easily tell that Sex is just a character of human being for some extent. I am not talking about reproduction, relationships,live-ins, marriages things. I am conforming that sex is Character & feature of all living beings but as it comes to human beings it has high priority.. then any thing, It may be in Metropolitan, cosmopolitan,small towns and also in villages. May be its happening by lack of knowledge, education & honesty. Lets try to create some difference between human beings and animals. There are many other things to do here.. Live a responsive sex life and have a broad thoughts in mind.

Basically i started this topic to tell something in my own way.. But now thinking its too difficult manage these sort of topics because the conversation should be in a sword edge. I should speak what i have to & it should be in limits. May be i just think like this because even i am in common Indian cage were we think & believe faith, tradition, personal affairs.I just left some topics like Sex Addiction,behavior and Young generation. I just had a try for my better..
Tell me if i went wrong somewhere.. and leave a comment for anything

1 comment:

  1. You would have done more effective.. better then this..
    And one thing i don't want better ones from u.. we need BEST once..
    Ya.. U narrated it better.. but i thought some thing is missing.. Carry on..
    Good one... Dear
