Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It’s ‘Hitler’ Again..!! -“The Beginning of the End”

My Exult Ewe,

It was my last post ‘Hitler’ which reached more than 10 countries including Germany, UK, USA, Russia and Pakistan too with 164 Audience outside India. I am really happy from this response. Encouragement like this made me to write another post about Hitler. Today I finished reading “Schindler's Ark” by Australian Writer Thomas Keneally Published in 1982. It’s a book of 322 pages and this is the story of Oskar Schindler who risked his life to protect beleaguered Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland, who continually defied the SS, and who was transformed by the war into a man with a mission, a compassionate angel of mercy. Oskar Schindler (NAZI) was a German industrialist who saved thousands of Jewish people from death in World War II. Here Keneally discuss about Higher Level Jews and Nazi’s Personal life more than common people. I don’t know why he mentioned less about Hitler even though author roams with Nazi, Jews, Poland, Life and Blood. It’s really a good presentation and some characters like Itzhak Stern and Amon Goeth remains in mind with Schindler.

I just want to tell you as most think Nazi is not a caste. It’s a group of Aryans who joined together and formed a political party called “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei” which means National Socialist German Workers Party shorted as NAZI. It was formed in year 1920 soon after the First World War. The Great Second world War happened by one man with the word “Unification of Europe”.  The foundations for war started in early 1920’s. The Nazis believed in the supremacy of an Aryan master race and claimed that Germans represent the most pure Aryan nation. They argued that Germany's survival as a modern great nation required it to create a New an empire in Europe that would give the German nation the necessary land mass, resources, and expansion of population needed to be able to economically and militarily compete with other powers as they were defeated in first world war.

The Nazis claimed that Jews were the greatest threat to the Aryan race and the German nation. They considered Jews a parasitic race that attached itself to various ideologies and movements to secure its self-preservation, such as: the Enlightenment, liberalism, democracy, parliamentary politics, capitalism, industrialisation, Marxism and trade unionism. To write about Hitler here given a complete Biography of him in http://surihistory.blogspot.com/ which is enough to know about Hitler from his Birth, Internal Politics to his Death. 
As from childhood Hitler liked giving orders, he spent his time with younger pupils. He enjoyed games that involved fighting and he loved re-enacting battles from the Boer War. His favourite game was playing the role of a commando rescuing Boers from English concentration camps. The only teacher Hitler appeared to like at secondary school was Leopold Potsch, his history master. Potsch, he told Hitler and his fellow pupils of the German victories over France in 1870 and 1871 and attacked the Austrians for not becoming involved in these triumphs. Otto von Bismarck, the first chancellor of the German Empire, was one of Hitler's early historical hero. He thought about Unification of Europe throwing the Jews outside the continent. He won the war of Internal Politics spending some time in Jail too where He wrote the Nazi’s Bible “Mein Kampf” his Autobiography. He grew politically step by step and took his seat as Führer in the hearts of Nazi Germans. His orders stalled mass assassination. Jews left all their belongings in houses, roads, footpaths and in railway platforms. Nazi’s didn’t even left cloths which they wore. People were thrown into den where even air and light can't enter that place. They kept alive who were strong enough to work if not “Bullets on their Brains”. Hitler wanted to relocate the Jews from Germany just as India-Pakistan Division for Hindus and Muslims in 1947. I always think how they thought to vacate the whole community or people who are part of a country. Hitler says Jews came to Germany in empty hands before four centuries ego. So he made them to vacate in empty hands. Even the great scientist like Albert Einstein who was German Born never got a chance to visit Germany not even once. Jews were burnt alive in Factory ovens, burial rooms and tied huts.
Hitler With Eva Braun

Hitler and his officials created workers camp for Jews by dividing people with gender and age. Children and old people were shot outside the town.  Six long years of war took 57 million lives just because of one man’s desire. They treated their army dogs better than Jews but the end they died worse than dogs on roads. 
Surendra Nadig
Hitler was also the reason for the suicides of many girls who were working under him. He enjoyed his love life with Eva Braun an ex- Receptionist in Nazi Party even from 1930 to his death. He had three wives and many Affairs too. It's Leaders who decides the fate of country. We can just vote to choose them in democracy. Dictatorship in the hands of Hitler changed the status of Germany and humanity never forgives him.

                                    Get You Soon,
                                                                  Surendra Nadig H M

Note: All the Pictures Here are Real.